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Programas disponibles : 43 - Pagina : 1 de 6
| Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2010 |
Freeware |
Herramientas gratuitas para crear aplicaciones en Windows utilizando Visual C++.
| Anjuta DevStudio: Integrated Development Environment |
Freeware |
Completo software de desarrollo que ofrece facilidades de programacion avanzadas, incluyendo la gestion de proyectos, asistente para aplicaciones, un depurador interactivo, editor de codigo, control de versiones, diseñador de interfaz grafica de usuario, perfiles y muchas herramientas mas. Se centra en la prestacion de interfaz de usuario sencilla y util, todo de gran alcance para el desarrollo eficiente.
| Allegro: A game programming library |
Freeware |
Allegro is a game programming library for C/C++ developers distributed freely, supporting the following platforms: Unix (Linux, FreeBSD, etc.), Windows, MacOS X and Haiku/BeOS. Older versions also support DOS and QNX. It provides many functions for graphics, sounds, player input (keyboard, mouse and joystick) and timers.
| ACE (Another C++ Editor) |
Freeware |
Another C++ Editor is a bare-bones C++ source file editor that is specially made for use with the free Borland C++ command-line compiler. By using a clutter-free, tab-style interface, it makes using the application a no-brainer. It also offers more advanced features such as a search/replace tool, a line counter, and customization options.
| VxDWriter |
Shareware |
VxDWriter is a tool for developing Windows 95/98/Me Virtual Device Driver (VxD) quickly and efficiently in C/C++. No assembly language programming skill is required with this tool. The resulting VxD, when compiler optimization is enabled, will be comparable with that written in assembly language in code efficiency and size. This tool aims to reduce the Total Cost of Development and Maintenance for your VxDs.
| Matrix TCL |
Shareware |
Matrix TCL Pro is a matrix template class library for performing matrix algebra calculations in C++ programs in easy and efficient manner for engineering / scientific works. It supports most of the matrix algebra operations and enables programmers to use matrix object just like other built-in data types in their C++ programs. It supports arithmetic operations, sub-matrix operations, inversion, various matrix decompositions, solution of simultaneous linear equations, eigen value and eigen vector problems, and much more.
| READIN : Convert any file to variable in a header file |
Freeware |
ReadIn will take the filename given at the command line and convert it into a variable useable by C that you will be able to extract from inside your program (ReadOut source code provided). The major use of this tool for programmers would be to make installation programs that extract multiple files from one executable. Other uses include: extracting graphic files for use in games or title screens, extracting sound files/drivers for programs that use sound, or extracting certain information files that a user would choose from a menu, etc.
| RECIO : C library reads/writes files as records/fields |
Freeware |
Sin descripcion.